About Us !

Our Company

Our company, Little Cherub Soap Co, is here to be a representative of Christ and bring glory to God in all that we do. We want to touch the hearts of many, spread the gospel of Christ, and teach people that the love of Jesus is welcoming and never failing. May God use our company to His will and be glorified by our actions !

"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." Matthew 6:33  NLT



Meet the Owner

Hi Loves, My name is Raquel ! I am a wife, mother of three, and a disciple of Jesus Christ. 

I started making skincare products because my son suffered from eczema back in 2018 and I needed to figure out how to soothe his skin with natural remedies. After countless hours of research on different types of herbs and oils, and their healing and soothing properties, I created my own natural healing oil. After seeing that the oil improved his skin, I then created a body butter cream and a very delicate soap, which completely helped his sensitive skin, Amen ! I am so proud to say that my son has not suffered from eczema in the last 4 years. Thank you Jesus !

Making skincare products is a passion of mine and now our company sells everything from all natural unscented soaps to scented soaps, whipped soap scrubs to sugar scrubs, body oils, natural body butter creams, and more !

- Raquel <3